Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday's don't agree with me......

For the past several years I have been striving to make Sunday a day of rest in my home.  It has actually been on my list of goals for the past couple of years.  I would love to say that progress is being made but... no, no it's not.  A typical Sunday involves me getting five children presentable at the same time.  All by itself, that is quite a feat.  Add in trying to get somewhere ON TIME with said children looking cute and dirt free and you have World War III.  To be fair, I have to admit that 95% of the problem is me.  For example, last Sunday we were pretty close to being on schedule when I decided that I had to dejunk the small table in my kitchen.  Now, the kitchen table had been piled with books and papers for at least a week.  But for some reason on Sunday morning as we were trying to accomplish a biblical size exodus I decided that I couldn't take the mess on the table


So, as Sarah undid her pigtails, Emily tortured Hannah and Matthew decided to get out every lego he owns I ran around like a crazy person filing papers, making notes on the calendar and putting books away. By the time the table was clean my children were in a complete state of disarray and I felt like I had run a marathon.  But, hey, at least my table was clean :)

After last week I decided that Sunday's have got to change around here.  In all seriousness, I don't want my children remembering Sunday's as being chaotic and exhausting.  I especially don't want them to remember me as a drill sergeant who prodded and scolded them out the door each week.

So, here is our treatment plan for this Sunday:
1.  80% of the children got a bath before they went to bed.  Only the baby gets a bath in the morning.
2.  I bought cereal for breakfast.  Don't judge me.  I'm desperate!
3.  The diaper bag is completely packed and in the van.
4.  Our bibles are already in the van.
5.  The van is full of gas and clean.  Wow!
6.  60% of the children have their clothes laid out.
7.  The house is reasonably clean and the laundry is DONE.
 Hopefully with all these changes in place tomorrow morning will be calm and relaxed. 

Except I just noticed that the table is messy again.  Rats!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweetheart, I love you! You are doing awesome! This Sunday's gonna be better, I just know it...
